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Cookie Cutter Christmas Decorations

Create some Scandi-inspired Christmas decorations by using cookie cutters and either clay or salt dough.

Simply use whatever cookie cutters you have - stars, snowmen, trees or even a simple round cutter will work as you can paint any design you like! Leave to dry overnight, then paint and add some string. This project is a great one to do with the kids too!

Want even more creative ideas and gorgeous craft kits, ideal for beginners...then head over to my store OH HELLO MAKER

You Will Need

  • Chopping board or craft mat

  • Air drying clay (or look up a recipe for salt dough)

  • Rolling pin

  • Cookie cutters

  • Knife

  • Paperclips and wire cutters (optional)

  • Fine sandpaper

  • Paint - I used pink, red and dark blue

  • Fine paintbrush

  • Bakers twine

  • Glue (for the lady’s legs)

TIP You don’t have to use cookie cutters, the little lady was cut freehand with a knife. Her legs were made separately and glued on afterwards.

1 Working on a chopping board or craft mat, pull off a piece of clay, knead it, then roll it out so it’s roughly 5mm thick.

2 Use cookie cutters to press down firmly into the clay, then carefully pull away the excess clay from the edges.

3 Use wire cutters to snip off a curved end of a paper clip. Then push it into the top edge of the clay decoration, making sure not to push at an angle so the ends come through the clay. Alternatively make a hole in the clay with a skewer. Leave the festive shapes to dry over night.

4 Once completely dry, use some sandpaper along the edges to smooth out any rough bits and neaten the texture of the decoration. Be careful not to snap the clay, some decoration designs can be quite fragile (eg the horse’s tail and the lady’s legs).

5 Using our photo as a guide, paint folk-inspired designs, spots and details onto the decorations, then leave to dry.

6 Once dry, cut lengths of baker’s twine, feed it through the loop and use your decorations to adorn presents, hang on a tree, or string them along a piece of drift wood to create a festive mobile.

For even more creative ideas and gorgeous craft kits, ideal for beginners...then head over to my fabulous store OH HELLO MAKER - you'll get 10% off your first order too!


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